News & Media

June 02, 2022

Pitching its optical technology for early detection of urinary tract infections (UTIs) to help save lives, improve health and reduce costs, Metabowlite won UC Santa Barbara’s 23rd Annual New Venture Competition (NVC) Finals(link is external), taking home the $10,000 First Place Award. The event represents the culmination of the Technology Management (TM) Department’s rigorous eight-month technology business plan competition that is open to UCSB students from all disciplines.

August 25, 2020

When UC Santa Barbara materials scientist Omar Saleh and graduate student Ian Morgan sought to understand the mechanical behaviors of disordered proteins in the lab, they expected that after being stretched, one particular model protein would snap back instantaneously, like a rubber band.

Instead, this disordered protein relaxed slowly, taking tens of minutes to relax into its original shape — a behavior that defied expectations, and hinted at an inner structure that was long thought to exist, but has been difficult to prove.

March 19, 2019

UC Santa Barbara welcomes a new cohort of doctoral students from underrepresented backgrounds.  

For as long as she can remember, Lourdes Velazquez’s parents, who emigrated from Mexico to Los Angeles, made education a high priority. Employed in jobs that were both labor intensive and low paying, they taught their children the importance of excelling in school.

Taking their parents’ advice to heart, both Velazquez and her sister pursued advanced degrees. “We are the only two in our family that have pursued careers in STEM,” she said.

January 11, 2019

UCSB researchers create a device to help understand how cells communicate to form tissues and maintain integrity under loading.

Time-lapse of epithelial cells moving in response to shear force

As cells divide to form tissues and organs in multicell organisms, they move to where they belong, informed by a series of cues that scientists have yet to observe or fully understand.

September 21, 2018

In a potential game changer for the health care industry, a new cell phone app and lab kit now allow a smartphone to identify bacteria from patients anywhere in the world. With the new app, doctors will be able to diagnose diseases and prescribe the appropriate antibiotic within a one-hour office visit, meaning faster recovery — and lower treatment costs — for patients.
